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FUJI GC (Grand championship) Series is the oldest race series in Japan
which started in 1971, and it had been about 16 years.
It was 1973 when MAZDA Rotary started,
and it had many hard races against the other competitor.
It was around 1977 when the rotary started to raise against the BMW's power
which was matured as an racing engine in Europe or Japan.
Before the GC, 13B Rotary March 75S won the FUJI 1000km race in 1977,
and 4 month later, It won GC at FUJI inter 200 mile for the first time.
After a while, the rotary car's activity places were limited in CG
because of the change of the engine regulation,
however, the 3 rotor engine was appeared as a substitute of the 2 rotor engine.
What kind of comeback would a new rotary show us at the new phase.